Balance & Healthy Lifestyle

Did you ever wish you were in better shape? Healthier? Less stressed? Enjoying life more?

If you want or need to make lasting changes in your lifestyle but are struggling to do it on your own, we are ready and willing to partner with you to get to the next level in a sustainable way.

Thanks to the many breakthroughs in Neuroscience, we have more tools than ever to help you accomplish whatever it is that you want to do. You can rewire your brain to replace limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs. There are several tools that we can use to help you with that process.

What is coaching?

Coaching is partnering with a client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
With Coaching, we can explore and identify the things that will lead you to an amazing, fulfilled, joyous life, while reaching your desired goals. More importantly, we can identify the limiting beliefs that are getting in your way. After that, we will figure out what techniques will work for you to get the lasting change that you are looking for.

Here are some of the tools:

  • Values-based Coaching
  • Transformational Coaching
  • Mindfulness Training
  • Meditation
  • NLP
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Self-Hypnosis training
  • Emotional Intelligence Training

Are you working hard on your career goals and also trying to balance your family commitments? Many times, this results in a feeling of being overwhelmed and inadequate on all fronts. The answer is not to become supermom or Superdad. Believe it or not, there is a way to create a sense of balance and harmony in your life bringing back the joy that you are looking so desperately for. We at Next Level Endeavor can help you learn the strategies to achieve this wonderful sense of balance and joy that you deserve while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The extra benefit is that you will have skills to teach your kids that will serve them well also.


Improving Work-Life/Family Balance

I am so impressed with the working couples that I encounter these days who are dedicated to being the best Mom or the best Dad they can be. They also are dedicated to moving their careers along and hoping to have some fun along with it. The problem is, that very often they run out of time for themselves. They are worried about being too selfish. Taking care of yourself as a Mom or Dad is not selfish, it is called self-care and it is incredibly important to put some me time aside for you to unwind and recharge. There are lots of ways to achieve that, some as easy as taking out 2 minutes a couple of times a day to do some deep breathing techniques. It is amazing what this can do for you, lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, reduce stress! I have lots of strategies for you to reduce stress and as a result, increase the feelings of joy in your life!!!

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